Pupils told inspectors that this is a great place to learn.
Bollin Ofsted Report 2022
Pupils, and their parents and carers, are proud to belong to this calm and welcoming school community. Pupils are kind to each other. They are respectful and well behaved.
Bollin Ofsted Report 2022
Leaders have high expectations of what pupils can and should achieve. Pupils learn well. They benefit from a well-thought-out curriculum.
Bollin Ofsted Report 2022
Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), benefit from high-quality opportunities that promote their wider development.
Bollin Ofsted Report 2022
Pupils develop resilience and confidence. They learn to see the best in themselves and in each other.
Bollin Ofsted Report 2022
Pupils described with enthusiasm the many things that they like about their school, especially the friends that they make.
Bollin Ofsted Report 2022
Pupils successfully develop new skills and interests through the personal development curriculum. These activities contribute effectively to pupils’ understanding of how to develop healthy lifestyles.
Bollin Ofsted Report 2022
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Nursery Cubs, Reception Lions, Reception Tigers
Classes 1MM, 1D, 2L, 2B

Classes 3S, 3EF, 4D 4P
Classes 5CB, 5M, 6M, 6T
Our Values
At Bollin ‘Growing Hearts and Minds’ together underpins absolutely everything we do. We want EVERY child to achieve their potential and achieve across all areas of the curriculum and we continuously strive for a standard of excellence in all that we do.
We challenge children to think, question and make connections, enabling them to secure deep knowledge and understanding that they can then apply.